Celebrating International Women's Day

An Intergalactic Woman
Author’s First Reading!
Upon release of The Asgardian Exchange - The Rise of the Jotuns, Mark had a small group of family and friends over for a private reading. Take a few minutes and join The Favoured.

Goddesses Abound!

The Emblem of Asgard

A Guide to the Pronunciation of Names
Our First Giveaway!
The Reviews are In!

Meet Jack Isen

How do you say that? - The Nine Realms

Who are the Favoured?

The paperback is coming…

Remember that time when I was a #1 New Release Author?

Hand drawn character sketches of the characters

A little about me.
The Asgardian Exchange was born from dreams and has truly been an adventure.

I can't believe it's time!
It all begins with an idea.