Sean Chord
Favoured of Prince Thor
Sean Chord grew up learning right from wrong from his dad outside of San Antonio, Texas. His dad was the sheriff of their town, raising Sean as a single parent. He always made sure Sean knew that following the rules would always lead to the right outcome. Sean treasured the time he got to spend with his dad, even though his dad had to work weekends and late into the night.
Sean dreamed of playing football in high school just like his dad until his ninth birthday when he had been sulking in his room, watching a thunderstorm roll in. He had been waiting for his Dad to come home to take him hunting, but his dad was late - again. At first he thought it was his imagination, but Sean soon realized he could tell the storm what to do.
Laughing, Sean raised his hands and summoned enough lightning to blackout the entire town. That was when the Prelate came to tell him about being chosen Favoured of Prince Thor of Asgard. From that moment, Sean knew it was his fate to go to Asgard and protect the Nine Realms.