How do you say that? - The Nine Realms

The Nine Realms in Norse Mythology are filled with magick, magnificent creatures, and races, but you have to know how to pronounce them first! So, we will be doing a weekly installment of places and names to get get you ready for the book. For today, we cover the Nine Realms. Check out the chart below!

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Alfheim – alv-heym – The Realm of Light Elves, the fair ones. A realm of light, continuous spring-fresh plants and flower, and merriment. The floating islands hold grooves illuminated by dappled light from the great star that gives life to all who come to Alfheim.

Asgard- ahs-gahrd – The Realm of the Gods. The Golden Realm, a city in of clouds and magick, and home to the Aesir as well as the Favoured.

Hel – hel – The Realm of the Dead. A realm of constant twilight and a haze of ash. The ruler of Hel, the Goddess of Death, is also named Hel, and has yet to be heard from since Ragnarok.

Jotunheim – yaw-toon-heym – The Realm of Rock Jotuns. Mountains, caverns, gorges, and rocky wastelands. Plants never grow in the craggy soil, but the Rock Jotuns thrive on ore that cannot be found anywhere else in all of the Nine Realms.

Midgard – mid-gahrd – The Realm of Mortals. We know it as Earth.

Muspelheim – moo-spell-heym – The Realm of Flame Jotuns, the fiery ones. Burning tar pits and boiling deserts of super-heated sand fill this realm. Volcanoes ring the major dwellings of where the Flame Jotuns used to thrive, but now stand empty and dormant after Ragnarok.

Niflheim – niv-ul-heym – The Realm of Frost Jotuns, the cold ones. Filled with black mountains and frozen wastelands that only know winter and blizzards. Utgard was cast into this realm after Ragnarok, and is where Bergelmir now reigns over the Frost Jotuns who remain after Ragnarok.

Svartalfheim – szvar-talv-heym – The Realm of Fell Elves, the dark ones, and Dwarves. The underground realm is one of caverns, similar to Jotunheim, however it is also filled with wondrous jeweled palaces and luminescent fields. The Dwarves are the only race to still live in Svartlafheim as all the Fell Elves have been imprisoned.

Vanaheim – vah-neh-heym – The Realm of the Vanir, who are elementals that live in the forests and the seas of this realm. Vanaheim holds thousands of islands, sea-faring towns, and woodlands with villages built into the trees.


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