Jack Isen
Amanda’s Best Friend
Jack Isen moved to the same cul-de-sac as Amanda when he was four, and they instantly became best friends at Amanda’s birthday party. The Isen’s were always a bit… different you might say, which is why their yearly Christmas decorations feature things like a rocket-ship-riding Santa.
As he grew up, Jack came to understand that he didn’t need to blend in, he needed to bring everyone else up to his level. He has tried to spice things up with his over-the-top snowman creations each year at the Winter Festival, his Hulk Hogan snowman should definitely have won, but the judges have yet to reward his originality.
Lately Jack has felt divided between living in Wreathen and dreaming of finding the frozen dinosaur bones he reads about in his favorite magazine, Bones-Across-America. But until he graduates high school, when he can set off to explore the world, he will continue to try to wake up the bland town he lives in, and help keep Amanda safe from Laurie and Ms. Biggs. Unfortunately for Jack, he might be off exploring other bones in a frozen wasteland much sooner than he expects.