Ms. Biggs
A Force Opposed to Change
Ms. Biggs has been working her way up through the Wreathen School system and is currently the Vice Principal. She had hopes to become the Principal, but the Superintendent and the School Board pulled a fast one on her and gave the position to Mr. Carmack - citing her lack of disciplinary skills as their justification for denying her her rightful position. So, she is now on a rampage to prove them wrong.
Unfortunately for Amanda, this has made her a target. That and the fact, according to Ms. Biggs, Amanda’s arrival to Rivers End Road opened up the neighborhood for other families to invade her once peaceful cul-de-sac. She hates that she has to hear the noisy-grubby-selfish children playing, their parents having block parties, and deal with other pesky nuisances like snowmen. She has a reputation to mend and an irritation to deal with - and she has a plan to do so.