Prelate Tess
Last Valkyrie of Asgard
Prelate Tess is the last Valkyrie of Asgard. Her sister Valkyrie sacrificed their lives to save the Nine Realms in the Spell of Favouring that granted the mortal Favoured she now teaches their magick. The gauntlets she wears are the last remnant of magick from her Valkyrie sisters, and help her find, claim, and train the Favoured.
For a thousand years, after the Spell of Favouring stopped Ragnarok and the first claiming of the Favoured occurred, this has been the Prelate’s role. But when she claimed Amanda as the fifty-first Favoured, she had but an inkling of what was to come. Amanda’s favouring of magick is unlike any of the other Favoured she has claimed before, which means it could only come from one of the traitors that helped bring about Ragnarok.
The Prelate knows that Amanda will bring trouble to Asgard, but she is one of the Favoured and it is her duty to find out what Amanda’s claiming means in order to protect the others.