Mykola Patera
Favoured of Forseti
Mykola Patera is another unusual Favoured, but, unlike the Zukov twins, his quirkiness comes from the promise he made upon first meeting his benefactor, Forseti, the God of Truth and Justice. Mykola was on Asgard for only a few seconds before he was taken to meet Forseti, so not much is known about where he came from other than he grew up in the Czech Republic.
When he came back to the Stave to the other Favoured, the Favoured were told that he had made a promise to never speak a single word again. No one knows why Mykola made the promise. It had been a bit trying at first to figure out what he wanted, but he and Cassie Prichett soon became best friends when they discovered she could help translate his emotions into words.
Mykola’s favouring also makes him unique as his touch can disrupt anything magickal or anything with magick, rendering them powerless. Sometimes the effects of his touch last a week or even up to a month, so he must wear enchanted gloves to keep his magick in check. Beyond those two unusual traits, Mykola is a calm influence on the other Favoured and a quiet presence on Asgard. He prefers to sit and observe, rather than rush into a hasty attack.
Another part of his favouring is to always know when others are lying, which is perhaps why he prefers not to hang around Lena and Lev when they are describing their great accomplishments. Mykola and Amanda instantly bond upon her arrival on Asgard and their bond will prove important as she explores what her favouring and connection to Sigyn mean.