Keeper Fulla
Caretaker of Asgard
Keeper Fulla was once a simple Aesir footmaid to Queen Frigga, but as a recognition of her service and dedication to the Realm she was granted the magicks and status of Keeper of Asgard. As Keeper, she handles many of the routine tasks that keep the realm running.
The Keeper oversees, with great care, such things as the shipments of resources from the Nine Realms, inspecting the armor production for the Einherjar, the upkeep of the Einherjarium for the warriors and Favoured to train in, and helping keep the Stave of the Favoured neat and tidy.
She can typically be seen bustling about the realm on various orders from the Queen or the Prelate. Lately, she has been quite anxious due to the rumors of alfblot appearing within the city of Asgard, and with the newest Favoured being attacked by Jotuns her workload will almost certainly double. She will make sure all is at the ready though, and will make sure all is ready to defend the realm should she be called upon.